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Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Via Aldo Moro, 2
Villafranca in Lunigiana - Massa-Carrara
Phone:  +39 0187498026  (Mobile:  +39 3388299755)
Apartment in action - Auction - Ref. 1421-MS7803
120 m²    |    Auction Base € 213.531
Massa (Massa-Carrara) Locality: Marina di Massa - Via Firenze 39

Appartamenti N.C.
Residential for Sale 120
----- Autonomous Car Parking
4 3 2
0 0
Kitchen, Security door

Massa loc. Marina/Ronchi Via Firenze we offer an apartment at auction with full ownership rights in addition to the proportional rights on common things, of a property for residential use, total surface area 93 sq m excluding uncovered areas and full ownership rights in addition to the proportional rights on common things of an uncovered parking space. The real estate unit in question, part of a condominium complex developed on four floors above ground consisting of 8 residential units, is located on the first floor on the North/East side, accessible by external stairs and elevator, consists of a living room with kitchenette, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, hallway and four terraces. The common courtyard area of ​​the building, which covers 3/4 of the external perimeter, consists of uncovered parking spaces accessible from a double driveway and pedestrian entrance overlooking the aforementioned municipal road. The property is completed with an uncovered parking space as identified above
value Expert report CTU €. 334,950.00

Massa (MS)
City: Massa-Carrara
Town: Massa
Locality: Marina di Massa
Zip: 54100