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Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Via Aldo Moro, 2
Villafranca in Lunigiana - Massa-Carrara
Phone:  +39 0187498026  (Mobile:  +39 3388299755)
Terraced house at auction - Auction - Ref. 1421-MS7795
120 m²    |    Auction Base € 123.882
Pontremoli (Massa-Carrara) Locality: Pontremoli - Via Italo Landi 4

Semi-indipendenti N.C.
Residential for Sale 120
----- Autonomous Garage and Car Parking
4 3 2
0 40
Kitchen, Security door, Garden

Pontremoli Via Italo Landi Terraced house for auction on a rectangular lot, part of a complex of four ground-roof units. The unit is spread over two floors above ground and a basement. It includes two small exclusive courtyards, one to the east and the other to the west. The property has not been completed, some internal finishes are missing including: flooring, coverings, internal doors, radiant elements of the heating system, electrical system plates, bathroom fixtures, taps. The latest permit provides for the construction of the living area on the ground floor consisting of: entrance, kitchen, living room, bathroom, porch at the back, as well as a space used as a garage, on the first floor. three bedrooms, bathroom, hallway and terrace, in the basement cellar and another small space called scannafosso. Regarding this last space, it should be noted that the perimeter wall has not been built; the same would exclude the space between the part usable as a cellar and the part used as a ditch, All as better indicated in the graphs attached to this. The three floors are connected by means of an internal double-ramp staircase.
Expert appraisal value €. 198,000.00

Pontremoli (MS)
City: Massa-Carrara
Town: Pontremoli
Locality: Pontremoli
Zip: 54027