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Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Agenzia Immobiliare Leoncini
Via Aldo Moro, 2
Villafranca in Lunigiana - Massa-Carrara
Phone:  +39 0187498026  (Mobile:  +39 3388299755)
apartment at auction - Auction - Ref. 1421-MS7716
129 m²    |    Auction Base € 34.615
Aulla (Massa-Carrara) Locality: Stadano - Via Stadano 17

0,00 €    
Appartamenti N.D.
Residential for Sale 129
----- Autonomous Car Parking
3 2 2
65 40
Kitchen, Security door

Aulla loc. Stadano, we offer an apartment for auction consisting of a basement, with a height of 2.40 meters, a bathroom and a large room similar for health and hygiene requirements to an entrance/clearance room, the latter illegally transformed into a kitchen and living room; Ground floor, accessible by internal staircase, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, the latter illegally transformed into a bedroom. Porch, courtyard in front and small sidewalk behind that is difficult to access. Surface area 93 m2
Relevant parking space of small dimensions. Surface area 11 m2.
Value of expert appraisal €. 97,000.00

Aulla (MS)
City: Massa-Carrara
Town: Aulla
Locality: Stadano
Zip: 54011